Thursday 21 April 2011

Acid Reflux Symptoms Treatment - Naturally Treat Heartburn with No Drugs!

An acid reflux symptoms treatment aims to cure the miserable heartburn symptoms by healing the scratched esophagus and the damaged lower esophageal sphincter (LES). But how can this possibly be done without drugs? If you know anything about natural health or holistic treatments, you will know that acid reflux is a disease that can be naturally cured with your diet and different lifestyle changes. And you might not ever have to take an antacid again!

Acid Reflux Symptoms

Obviously, you know the symptoms of GERD also called acid reflux. Heartburn is the primary symptom of this common disease that affects one in three adults. It is characterized by a burning sensation coming up from the stomach to the chest and the throat. GERD symptoms include the following: pain and discomfort in the upper abdomen; fullness in the stomach; and nausea after eating. Most of the symptoms will occur after a heavy meal, while you are bending over, lifting something, lying down and most of the times at night.

Though these symptoms can be cured! It is important to focus on healing the esophagus and sphincter.

Healing Your Esophagus and Sphincter

Without too much medical lingo, the esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter (LES) are the reasons you are feeling the consistent heartburn pain. If you allow the body to heal the esophagus and LES, you will never have heartburn again. Thus, you will never have to deal with the annoying symptoms. The esophagus is the tube that carries food to the stomach. You most likely have a damaged esophagus because of the regular stomach acid being regurgitated up the esophagus. The good news is that the esophagus tissue is very resilient and new tissue cells can regenerate in days!

The LES is the muscle flap above the stomach that keeps food, acids and gases in the stomach. Due to regular wear and tear, the LES can become weak and damaged as well. Without a tight seal on the stomach, the sphincter will allow acid and gas to enter the esophagus. Thus, causing the acid reflux symptoms. The goods news is that the sphincter can be strengthened and fully functional.

Naturally Treat Heartburn with No Antacids?

Let's face it, it stinks having to regularly buy antacids! Not to mention that they can only be safe to use for 14 days straight. After the initial 2 weeks, you should discontinue taking the antacids for serious health complications. And you can naturally treat heartburn and never have to take an antacid the rest of your life! Here are 5 acid reflux symptom tips!

1. Water! Did you know that drinking water after every meal or food consumption will allow the sphincter to create a tight seal. The sphincter will then trap the acids and gases in the stomach. We recommend drinking a whole glass of water after every food consumption.

2. Food Therapy! Did you know that scratching your esophagus is a major part of your problem? You should eat soft foods for a period of 2-3 days to allow the esophagus tissue to rebuild. We also recommend avoiding coffee, spicy and acidic foods during this time.

3. Honey! This common natural remedy has even been found in pyramids dating 3,000 years back! Obviously, honey has been around forever but did you know that there are unexplainable healing powers in honey. Honey has been shown to increase cell reproduction which could cause the esophagus and LES to fully heal. We recommend taking 2-3 teaspoons daily.

4. An Apple! My dad carries a slice of apple everywhere he goes! Why? To discover how an apple a day has literally saved my dad's life, please visit our Acid Reflux Symptoms Treatment website today.

5. Exercise! Not what you are thinking! But, actually training your LES muscle to become stronger and form a tighter seal on your stomach. Using 3 different exercises you can actually cause the LES to become strengthened. Begin by tightening your core (ab) muscles while using both hands to push down under the rib cage. Like all muscles, the sphincter can also be trained or strengthened. To learn more exercises please visit our website today.

Works in 24 Hours

Imagine having everything you need to know about acid reflux and curing it with natural health! What vitamins? What supplements? What herbs? What sphincter exercises work?

To discover an Acid Reflux Symptoms Treatment that works in 24 hours, please check out our Acid Reflux Remedy Report today. We offer a 100% guarantee on a cure that works in minutes! To take a free 3 minute acid reflux analysis quiz that could help you determine your heartburn cause, check us out today!

With 22 years of natural health experience, Joe Barton and Barton Publishing have revolutionized the natural health industry. To discover an acid reflux symptoms treatment that is guaranteed, let us help!

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