Thursday 21 April 2011

Natural Acid Reflux Remedies

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is also known as acid reflux disease, is a health disorder which is caused when the stomach acids and other contents are pushed back into the esophagus (or the food pipe). This condition can cause a burning sensation in the chest and the throat. It also inflames and irritates the inner lining of the esophagus, which can cause ulcers in the esophageal tract. It is necessary to ease the symptoms of acid reflux disease before it can cause further harm to the overall health of the individual. In such cases, many individuals suffering from this condition opt for some natural acid reflux remedies that are available at home to get relief without any harsh side effects. Let us discuss about some of the natural acid reflux remedies which help in controlling acid reflux and providing prompt relief.

Natural Cures for Acid Reflux

Natural acid reflux remedies will balance the levels of acid in your stomach and reduce the intensity of the condition. These remedies also help in relieving indigestion and other problems related to digestion. Here are a few natural cures for acid reflux which are very effective in treating this annoying condition.

    * One of the most popular acid reflux remedies is apple cider vinegar. Dilute 2½ teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in 10 ounces of water and drink it at regular intervals to fight against the acid reflux disease.
    * Cold milk is also one of the excellent natural acid reflux remedies. Drink a glass of cold milk before going to bed to soothe the gastrointestinal tract. This acid reflux home remedy can also be given to babies and older children.
    * Baking soda is another remedy for acid reflux relief since baking soda neutralizes the acids. Drinking a glass of water mixed with ½ teaspoon of baking soda twice a day will provide relief from this problem.
    * Aloe vera juice has a soothing effect on the stomach and is also one of the natural acid reflux remedies. This cool juice prevents the symptoms of heartburn and if the individual id already suffering from this condition, then it provides quick relief.
    * There are also a few foods good for acid reflux like papaya, bananas, grapefruit, potatoes and green leafy vegetables. Include these fruits and vegetables in your daily diet to prevent and control the symptoms of acid reflux.
    * Dry fruits like almonds have also proved to be effective remedies for acid reflux. Chewing almonds before or after having a meal reduce the alkalinity of the food and hence curb acid reflux. This can be a helpful acid reflux remedy during pregnancy.
    * A recent research has found out that probiotics, a type of bacteria found in the digestive tract of humans, is of great assistance wen it comes to treating acid reflux symptoms. You can include probiotic bacteria rich foods like buttermilk and yogurt to trigger the production of enzymes responsible for digestion.
    * Ginger tea and other ginger root extracts fight against acidity and promote healthy digestion. A cup of ginger tea either in the morning or evening will be beneficial for the overall health of the digestive system as well.
    * A few other natural remedies for acid reflux include fennel seeds, fenugreek seeds, slippery elm, chamomile tea etc.

These were a few natural acid reflux remedies, which are safe for individuals of any age group. In case you don't find relief inspite of taking these remedies, then it is better to consult a doctor who may diagnose the exact condition and provide appropriate treatment.

Acid Reflux Disease - The Big Lie!

Have you ever wondered what really causes digestive problems? Did you know that most digestive disorders are not diseases at all, but conditions which can be completely cured by using natural techniques and remedies.

The medical community would have you believe that only prescription drugs can relieve the symptoms of indigestion. This is simply not the case. Antacids are, at best, a temporary fix and they are loaded with harmful ingredients such as sodium and aluminum. PPI drugs should only be used for eight weeks, at most. Then what are you to do? These drugs only mask and hide the symptoms and have hundreds of harmful side effects. They do not heal the condition! They do not make you well! They only make the drug makers wealthier at your expense!

I used to suffer from acute GERD. I was addicted to a PPI drug…..a "certain colored pill". After several years of taking this drug, my condition became worse and I was told to double the dose. I began to feel sluggish and tired. My vision suffered and my blood pressure soared. I realized that these were possible side effects of this PPI drug. I did a computer search and found that there were hundreds of possible side effects. I was shocked and frightened at what I found! I was harming my body and I wanted to stop taking this drug! But when I tried to stop the PPI, he acid pumps, which had been shut off, went wild and produced more acid than ever before.

I can’t tell you how much I suffered. My esophagus was constantly burning and l feared that I would permanently damage myself. I couldn’t sleep at night. I was afraid to eat or drink anything but water! I was afraid to go out to dinner. I became a recluse. I began to loose my friends. They didn’t understand my problem. Friends would call and say, "Let’s go out for Mexican, barbeque or pizza". Of course, I couldn’t. I loved to eat hot chili sprinkled with raw onions and jack cheese, but it was now my worst nightmare. My life had become unbearable!

I was determined to beat this sickness! My doctor couldn’t help me –no one could tell me what to do. I had to heal myself. I became completely dedicated to finding the answers. I studied and researched. I wanted to find naturopathic treatments as opposed to drugs, so I searched high and low for natural remedies that might actually cure acid reflux. I tried every possible treatment that exists, short of voodoo.

I found that the answers to the acid reflux problem are really quite simple. With a few changes in lifestyle and with the help of several natural remedies, one can absolutely beat the acid reflux syndrome, without the use of drugs.

Remember, that the reason this condition exists, in the first place, is due to a damaged esophagus. Let the esophagus heal by not eating the same foods in the same way that caused the damage. Loosing weight, exercising, chewing properly, drinking sufficient amounts of water and elevating the head at night, are all simple things that anyone can do to improve this condition.

There are also many natural ingredients found in any health store, which can help during the acid reflux recovery period. Herbs, such as slippery elm and marshmallow have wonderful healing properties. Aloe vera juice, licorice and natural honey can sooth the esophagus and assist in the healing process.

By eating dinner at least three hours before retiring, one can drastically reduce the chances of acid reflux. Chewing gum between meals actually reduces stomach acid, and if you really have to have that pasta with tomato sauce, there is always baking soda as a last resort.

Eat smaller, more frequent meals. I eat four or five little meals each day. I start the day with Kukicha Twig tea. I then eat fruit, such as bananas and melons. I have several snacks of walnuts, almonds and more fruit. For lunch I eat a salad, made with grilled chicken breasts, or tofu, mixed with hearts of romaine, tossed with a light lemon and chive vinaigrette.

I have found that it pays to keep the food that you eat as alkaline as possible. I have developed some wonderful recipes, such as pasta primavera, baked chicken breasts on mushroom caps and sautéed white fish on mashed potatoes with green peas. You certainly don’t have to starve yourself, but I suggest that you stay away from those acid reflux "trigger" foods, until you have healed your irritated esophagus.

It does take a new approach to life, in general, to heal a stubborn acid reflux condition. Think of it as a fun challenge. You’ll feel so much better; it will have been work all the effort.

So please don’t resort to those "colored pills". Yes, they are convenient, but potentially dangerous, in the long run. Take command of your own health and use natural resources to heal acid reflux.

Charles Stewart Richey is a self-educated expert on how to cure acid reflux disease, by natural means.

He has written an extensive report entitled, "REFLUX GONE FOREVER", Natural Acid Reflux Remedies". He explains how the proper application of herbs, health store items, meditation, diet and exercise, can heal acid reflux, gerd and heartburn.

The Truth About Acid Reflux Disease

Acid Reflux disease or Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition in which the esophagus becomes irritated or inflamed because of acid backing up from the stomach. The esophagus is the tube stretching from the throat to the stomach. When food is swallowed, it travels down the esophagus. And the stomach produces hydrochloric acid after a meal to aid in the digestion of food. It is commonly called 'heart burn', acid reflux disease is a condition in which the liquid content of the stomach regurgitates (backs up, or refluxes) into the esophagus. Although, it's bothersome and painful you want to know the truth about it.

You can experience this most open during day time when you are upright, sitting straight, or standing. The fluid flowing back down into your stomach which reflux handles your body. And you swallow more on during the daytime therefore exhausting of acid back to where it belongs. Your salivary glands produce saliva that also contains bicarbonate that acts to neutralize the acid your stomach has kicked up.

Even tough, at night if you have a greater problem when acid reflux disease occurs that is because while you are sleeping, the gravity does not work as well lying down and your constant swallowing stops which is the production of your saliva is reduced.

GERD is a serious problem when you are pregnant because it elevated hormone levels of pregnancy probably cause reflux by lowering the pressure in that part of your body known as the lower esophageal sphincter. Also, the growing baby puts more pressure on the abdomen. Both of these effects of pregnancy tend to increase the risk of GERD.

You could experience minor symptoms if your acid reflux disease is in minor condition also. These would include primarily heartburn, regurgitation, and nausea. he liquid that comes back into the esophagus damages the lining of the esophagus. The body tries to protect itself from the acid reflux disease by 'inflaming' the esophagus. Trying to speed the healing process through the inflammation, the wall of the esophagus may form an ulcer. The ulcer is a break in the lining of the esophagus wall. And when the bleeding occurs and if it is severe, the patient might need a blood transfusion or surgical treatment. You need to see a doctor if your heartburn is severe or acute and happening very frequently.

To help your self about this condition, try to sleep in a pillow at night that raises your chest up slightly so that gravity can bring the acid back down more easily. Since this condition usually occurs on a full stomach, eat earlier and eat less to keep the stomach from being too full. Avoid chocolate, peppermint, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks and try to reduce fatty foods and the most important is stop smoking. One thing here also that you should avoid to is spicy or acid-containing foods, like citrus juices, carbonated beverages, and tomato juice.

It is imaginable for many adults that acid reflux does occurs. You wonder if your baby has the disorder and how you treat the condition as well. Following is some information to help you identify the symptoms and some approaches you can take to treat acid reflux in infants. This symptoms include vomiting. Acid reflux in infants includes excessive vomiting that reoccurs through the day and through the night as well. Vomiting is one of the most obvious signs in acid reflux in babies. Other symptoms are subtle and may be difficult to recognize. For example, if the baby has a cough that just won’t seem to go away and he has difficulty breathing he may have acid reflux disease. If your baby throws up significantly throughout the course of the day you want to seek medical attention.

Symptoms like heartburn and abdominal pain are difficult to detect simply because the baby can’t tell you what specifically is wrong. A sign of acid reflux in infants includes gas and stomach discomfort. This will usually manifest itself with fussiness and crying, especially during and right after feedings.

The acid reflux for the baby is treated when the baby will probably outgrow the condition but it is crucial that you consult his pediatrician if you believe that he has acid reflux. It is important to elevate baby's head since the problem with the condition is that that the contents in the stomach come up into the esophagus. If you want to hold the baby upright for about 30 minutes after each feeding to make sure that his stomach has settled completely before lying down.

All acid reflux can not cures the same for everybody. People have different lifestyles and because of that cures will have different effects on different people. They use simple, non-medical cures while other had acid reflux problems for a longer time and might need a prescribed acid reflux cure from their family doctor.

You can found some acid reflux in your kitchen such as baking soda and water can ease the discomfort of heartburn for most people and costs next to nothing. Warm milk may help someone suffering from mild heartburn and help them sleep better in the evening. If simple home remedies do not work for you, you can try over the counter acid reflux cure in a liquid or in a pill form. If none of these remedies are working after being used for a period of week or more it's the time to search out other options.

You can research Online if you want to know more ways in treating acid reflux. You’ll find home remedies and over the counter medications that can be found in most drugstores, as mentioned above. An herbal acid reflux cure can be helpful and may work where other cures have not and remember that this is not for everyone. If you are pregnant, have a pre-existing condition like kidney disease, diabetes or other conditions, or are a child or older adult, you should speak to your doctor before beginning to use an herbal acid reflux cure. Not all herbal remedies are not safe for people who have medical conditions that are being treated by a doctor.

You can improve your lifestyle today if acid reflux is impairing your ability to experience a full and active lifestyle. By learning more about cures and remedies you can find an acid reflux cure that will work for you. You don’t need to suffer from acid reflux anymore.

Identifying the Symptoms and Fighting Back Against GERD, Part Two

Part One of this series defined Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and described its often-painful effects on the body. Part Two deals with treating and managing symptoms and also how parents can help their children overcome its pain and discomfort.

How to manage and even prevent symptoms

Doctors also recommend changes to patient lifestyles, including avoiding tobacco and alcohol and switching to a diet with less fatty or fried foods. However, a 2006 Stanford University study revealed no tangible, universal link between dietary changes and improvement of symptoms.

Some patients find symptoms eased after they raised the head of their bed six to eight inches off the floor and began sleeping on the inclined mattress. A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine lends credence to its reported effectiveness when paired with weight loss. The bed must be raised, however – just adding pillows is not sufficient. Other research shows sleeping on the left side of the body will also help reduce symptoms.

Experts also suggest GERD sufferers wear loose-fitting clothes around the waist and midsection, to give the stomach and digestive tract unrestricted room to move and breathe. Losing even a small amount of weight is also believed to ease or remove symptoms.

Patients should also not eat for at least two hours before bedtime. In particular, patients should not eat or drink foods high in acidic materials. These include milk and milk based products, which include high amounts of calcium and fat; foods high in Vitamin C such as oranges; cruciferous vegetables such as onions, spinach, and Brussels sprouts. They should also avoid chocolates and peppermint candies, as well as carbonated soft drinks. Smoking before bedtime also increases the risk of heartburn.

In some cases maintaining good posture will prevent spasms in the muscles around the esophagus that can trap stomach acid and gases. Good posture will also help reduce the coughing and asthma-like symptoms sometimes associated with acid reflux.

Some patients have also found relief from symptoms by frequently using chewing gum to increase the amount of saliva present in the mouth and esophagus. Others drink club soda or club soda mixed with Angostura bitters as a way to cure heartburn or nausea.

GERD and long-term complications

When left untreated or ignored, GERD can cause bleeding ulcers in the stomach and esophagus. It may also contribute to asthma and persistent cough.

In certain rare cases, GERD may lead to a condition known as Bartlett's Esophagus, in which the very lining of the esophagus changes into tissue more closely resembling the lining of the intestine. Bartlett's Esophagus patients are considered at a high risk for carcinoma.

Gastroesophageal reflux in children

Children with GER may not suffer heartburn symptoms but instead struggle with dry cough, asthma symptoms, or trouble swallowing. Babies and smaller children may also struggle with vomiting, constant crying, failure to gain wait, and incessant burping or belching.

Unfortunately, treatment of GERD is stymied somewhat because children may have all the symptoms of Gastroesophageal reflux or none at all: each set of symptoms is unique to the child. Complicating matters even more, some acid reflux is a normal occurrence in children, so identifying problem cases is especially difficult.

Parents helping their babies deal with GER can manage the babies' symptoms by burping them several times during each meal, keeping the child upright for a half hour after each feeding, and avoid giving too much food at one time. Parents should check the warning labels of all over the counter medications such as antacids or stomach soothers before giving them to children.

It's estimated that up to thirty-five percent of all children struggle with some degree of GER but outgrow it around their first birthday. Children struggling with chronic GERD may suffer with the problem into their teens. Parents who believe their children are suffering from excessive or chronic heartburn should consult their family pediatrician.

The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse recommends older children with GERD eat smaller, more frequent meals and avoid the following in their diet: sodas with caffeine, peppermints, chocolate, spicy foods or foods high in acidic content such as oranges and lemons, and fried or fatty foods. Children should also have their last daily meal between two and three hours before going to bed, to give the stomach time to digest the food before lying down.

GERD in pregnant women

GERD is a common condition for pregnant women, as their body's systems adapt to the growing fetus inside them. Women who are pregnant can take antacids to treat GERD symptoms, but should consult their doctor before taking any more serious medications.

In most instances symptoms lessen or disappear entirely after the baby is born.

When to seek medical assistance

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is believed to be present whenever heartburn or other symptoms occur more than twice a week. Just the same, it's important for patients who find themselves at high risk to seek professional diagnosis. They may be able to catch symptoms in their early stages, making management of pain and discomfort that much easier.

This helpful article was brought to you by Corner Stork Baby Gifts at Corner Stork offers hundreds of baby gifts, baby shower favors, and many more helpful articles like this one on babies, parenting and pregnancy.

Acid Reflux Symptoms Treatment - Naturally Treat Heartburn with No Drugs!

An acid reflux symptoms treatment aims to cure the miserable heartburn symptoms by healing the scratched esophagus and the damaged lower esophageal sphincter (LES). But how can this possibly be done without drugs? If you know anything about natural health or holistic treatments, you will know that acid reflux is a disease that can be naturally cured with your diet and different lifestyle changes. And you might not ever have to take an antacid again!

Acid Reflux Symptoms

Obviously, you know the symptoms of GERD also called acid reflux. Heartburn is the primary symptom of this common disease that affects one in three adults. It is characterized by a burning sensation coming up from the stomach to the chest and the throat. GERD symptoms include the following: pain and discomfort in the upper abdomen; fullness in the stomach; and nausea after eating. Most of the symptoms will occur after a heavy meal, while you are bending over, lifting something, lying down and most of the times at night.

Though these symptoms can be cured! It is important to focus on healing the esophagus and sphincter.

Healing Your Esophagus and Sphincter

Without too much medical lingo, the esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter (LES) are the reasons you are feeling the consistent heartburn pain. If you allow the body to heal the esophagus and LES, you will never have heartburn again. Thus, you will never have to deal with the annoying symptoms. The esophagus is the tube that carries food to the stomach. You most likely have a damaged esophagus because of the regular stomach acid being regurgitated up the esophagus. The good news is that the esophagus tissue is very resilient and new tissue cells can regenerate in days!

The LES is the muscle flap above the stomach that keeps food, acids and gases in the stomach. Due to regular wear and tear, the LES can become weak and damaged as well. Without a tight seal on the stomach, the sphincter will allow acid and gas to enter the esophagus. Thus, causing the acid reflux symptoms. The goods news is that the sphincter can be strengthened and fully functional.

Naturally Treat Heartburn with No Antacids?

Let's face it, it stinks having to regularly buy antacids! Not to mention that they can only be safe to use for 14 days straight. After the initial 2 weeks, you should discontinue taking the antacids for serious health complications. And you can naturally treat heartburn and never have to take an antacid the rest of your life! Here are 5 acid reflux symptom tips!

1. Water! Did you know that drinking water after every meal or food consumption will allow the sphincter to create a tight seal. The sphincter will then trap the acids and gases in the stomach. We recommend drinking a whole glass of water after every food consumption.

2. Food Therapy! Did you know that scratching your esophagus is a major part of your problem? You should eat soft foods for a period of 2-3 days to allow the esophagus tissue to rebuild. We also recommend avoiding coffee, spicy and acidic foods during this time.

3. Honey! This common natural remedy has even been found in pyramids dating 3,000 years back! Obviously, honey has been around forever but did you know that there are unexplainable healing powers in honey. Honey has been shown to increase cell reproduction which could cause the esophagus and LES to fully heal. We recommend taking 2-3 teaspoons daily.

4. An Apple! My dad carries a slice of apple everywhere he goes! Why? To discover how an apple a day has literally saved my dad's life, please visit our Acid Reflux Symptoms Treatment website today.

5. Exercise! Not what you are thinking! But, actually training your LES muscle to become stronger and form a tighter seal on your stomach. Using 3 different exercises you can actually cause the LES to become strengthened. Begin by tightening your core (ab) muscles while using both hands to push down under the rib cage. Like all muscles, the sphincter can also be trained or strengthened. To learn more exercises please visit our website today.

Works in 24 Hours

Imagine having everything you need to know about acid reflux and curing it with natural health! What vitamins? What supplements? What herbs? What sphincter exercises work?

To discover an Acid Reflux Symptoms Treatment that works in 24 hours, please check out our Acid Reflux Remedy Report today. We offer a 100% guarantee on a cure that works in minutes! To take a free 3 minute acid reflux analysis quiz that could help you determine your heartburn cause, check us out today!

With 22 years of natural health experience, Joe Barton and Barton Publishing have revolutionized the natural health industry. To discover an acid reflux symptoms treatment that is guaranteed, let us help!

Acid Reflux-cause and natural remedies

Natural stomach acid is in your stomach for a reason. The actual acid is not the cause of acid reflux disease. It is not a nasty poison that someone put there. The acid breaks down foods and sorts them out into the right department so to speak. Proper digestion depends on the presence of adequate stomach acid while you are eating.

When you eat, food moves from the mouth through the esophagus and into the stomach to be digested. At the end of the esophagus, there is a band of muscles that open and allow the food to go into the stomach. It then closes to prevent the food and acid from coming back up into the esophagus. Many people experience acid reflux when foods or digestive juices escape the stomach and come back up through the esophagus.

To make sure your stomach has enough acid at mealtimes, make sure you chew your food thoroughly. Getting saliva mixed into the food as you chew will get the digestion process off to a good start.

Snacking throughout the day causes the stomach to pump out acid gradually instead of saving it for mealtimes when it is needed the most. It is best to not eating closer than three hours apart. For example - if you eat breakfast at six a.m. and lunch at twelve p.m. then a snack at nine a.m. would be fine.

Next, make sure you do not drink too much liquid while eating a meal. Too much liquid dilutes the necessary acid in the stomach. The best policy is to drink a glass of water 30 minutes to one hour before or after your meal, with only a few ounces consumed during the meal. After you have eaten, one hour or two feel free to guzzle down all the pure natural water you want.

Another cause of acid reflux comes from eating large meals. This increases pressure on the stomach causing the stomach contents to be forced out and up into the esophagus. You will need to give your body at least two hours to digest your food properly. In addition, never ever lie down immediately after eating a large meal.

To avoid overproduction of acid eat smaller portions of food at each meal. It would also help a lot to eliminate any fried food or food that contains refined sugar, or caffeine.

Obesity can also increase abdominal pressure, and your risk of suffering from acid reflux as well. If you are overweight, cutting back on the amounts of food that you eat at each meal, and exercising daily should put you on the right path to helping you shed a few pounds.

Acid reflux is caused in some people when the sphincter muscle at the end of the esophagus becomes weak or does not close correctly. Prescription drugs, certain foods, alcohol, and smoking have been known to weaken the sphincter muscles.

Try not to use antacids since they cut down the acids you will need when you eat. Without enough acid, your stomach is unable to do its job of breaking down the food into the various nutrient components.

Inadequate digestion of proteins can cause the liver to increase production of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which is the bad cholesterol that does the most damage to your body.

Instead of taking antacids, try the following natural approach. If you still have sour stomach in between meals try eating something that will settle it without triggering more acid production such as sauerkraut. Your stomach should relax after eating sauerkraut in five to ten minutes.

The benefits of natural solutions are they normally cost a lot less, but even more important is the fact that natural solutions are a healthier alternative. They tend to reduce the possibility of becoming dependant on addictive chemical drugs.

There are also three herbs that are well known for soothing stomach muscles, which are chamomile, gentian, and ginger. If your problem does not respond successfully to natural remedies within a few days, please see your health care provider.