Thursday 21 April 2011

Natural Acid Reflux Remedies

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is also known as acid reflux disease, is a health disorder which is caused when the stomach acids and other contents are pushed back into the esophagus (or the food pipe). This condition can cause a burning sensation in the chest and the throat. It also inflames and irritates the inner lining of the esophagus, which can cause ulcers in the esophageal tract. It is necessary to ease the symptoms of acid reflux disease before it can cause further harm to the overall health of the individual. In such cases, many individuals suffering from this condition opt for some natural acid reflux remedies that are available at home to get relief without any harsh side effects. Let us discuss about some of the natural acid reflux remedies which help in controlling acid reflux and providing prompt relief.

Natural Cures for Acid Reflux

Natural acid reflux remedies will balance the levels of acid in your stomach and reduce the intensity of the condition. These remedies also help in relieving indigestion and other problems related to digestion. Here are a few natural cures for acid reflux which are very effective in treating this annoying condition.

    * One of the most popular acid reflux remedies is apple cider vinegar. Dilute 2½ teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in 10 ounces of water and drink it at regular intervals to fight against the acid reflux disease.
    * Cold milk is also one of the excellent natural acid reflux remedies. Drink a glass of cold milk before going to bed to soothe the gastrointestinal tract. This acid reflux home remedy can also be given to babies and older children.
    * Baking soda is another remedy for acid reflux relief since baking soda neutralizes the acids. Drinking a glass of water mixed with ½ teaspoon of baking soda twice a day will provide relief from this problem.
    * Aloe vera juice has a soothing effect on the stomach and is also one of the natural acid reflux remedies. This cool juice prevents the symptoms of heartburn and if the individual id already suffering from this condition, then it provides quick relief.
    * There are also a few foods good for acid reflux like papaya, bananas, grapefruit, potatoes and green leafy vegetables. Include these fruits and vegetables in your daily diet to prevent and control the symptoms of acid reflux.
    * Dry fruits like almonds have also proved to be effective remedies for acid reflux. Chewing almonds before or after having a meal reduce the alkalinity of the food and hence curb acid reflux. This can be a helpful acid reflux remedy during pregnancy.
    * A recent research has found out that probiotics, a type of bacteria found in the digestive tract of humans, is of great assistance wen it comes to treating acid reflux symptoms. You can include probiotic bacteria rich foods like buttermilk and yogurt to trigger the production of enzymes responsible for digestion.
    * Ginger tea and other ginger root extracts fight against acidity and promote healthy digestion. A cup of ginger tea either in the morning or evening will be beneficial for the overall health of the digestive system as well.
    * A few other natural remedies for acid reflux include fennel seeds, fenugreek seeds, slippery elm, chamomile tea etc.

These were a few natural acid reflux remedies, which are safe for individuals of any age group. In case you don't find relief inspite of taking these remedies, then it is better to consult a doctor who may diagnose the exact condition and provide appropriate treatment.